We offer a wide range of services to support students through their educational endeavors from middle to high school and into college. Typically families choose a package that reflects the type and breadth of educational and college counseling that is the best fit for their student. Services also are offered at an hourly rate.
All-Access College Planning
Give your student the best opportunity to be admitted to a great fit college, flourish, and thrive! All-access includes support for your student through the entire process, including engaging in an enriching high school experience, “living” the college application, college planning and admissions, and transitioning to and through the first year in college. We craft the most compelling applications to present students' unique assets and contributions to their future academic home. The "all-access" begins anytime from 8th grade through 10th grade and continues through the first year in college. Highly personalized support is focused on a developmentally appropriate approach to identifying and building on your student's interests, applying to colleges your student will love, staying positive and committed to the process, and decreasing stress by working smarter, not harder.
All-Inclusive College Planning Essentials
Designed to begin late fall or early winter of the junior year in high school (does not include support during the sophomore year or earlier or transition to college). All-inclusive is a great fit for students applying to a variety of private and public colleges. It includes minimally 10-12 meetings and extensive communication and follow up with students and parents in between. Students and parents have access to our personalized college planning software; essay guidance, workshops and review; co-curricular and life skills development; and application support and review - all the way to hitting the submit button. This package is ideal for juniors beginning before or in January of the junior year.
College Transition Counseling - the Next Step in the Educational Journey
The choice and decision have been made for the next four years. Congratulations! But, there is so much more on the horizon. Some students benefit from support and guidance transitioning to college and throughout the first year, including:
Senior Essentials
Sometimes seniors and their families realize they need more assistance and guidance in the crunch time. While this package assumes the student has engaged in some thought and progress toward planning for college, IEP takes the lead to eliminate admission guesswork, ensure students meet deadlines and help them pursue their admission goals.
High School Planning Essentials (8, 9, & 10th grades)
Help your student develop a strong academic and co-curricular foundation, while engaging in a productive, enjoyable and meaningful high school experience!
Hourly Counseling Services
Common hourly services include counseling services related to:
Give your student the best opportunity to be admitted to a great fit college, flourish, and thrive! All-access includes support for your student through the entire process, including engaging in an enriching high school experience, “living” the college application, college planning and admissions, and transitioning to and through the first year in college. We craft the most compelling applications to present students' unique assets and contributions to their future academic home. The "all-access" begins anytime from 8th grade through 10th grade and continues through the first year in college. Highly personalized support is focused on a developmentally appropriate approach to identifying and building on your student's interests, applying to colleges your student will love, staying positive and committed to the process, and decreasing stress by working smarter, not harder.
All-Inclusive College Planning Essentials
Designed to begin late fall or early winter of the junior year in high school (does not include support during the sophomore year or earlier or transition to college). All-inclusive is a great fit for students applying to a variety of private and public colleges. It includes minimally 10-12 meetings and extensive communication and follow up with students and parents in between. Students and parents have access to our personalized college planning software; essay guidance, workshops and review; co-curricular and life skills development; and application support and review - all the way to hitting the submit button. This package is ideal for juniors beginning before or in January of the junior year.
- An overall timeline, with benchmarks and assignments, to keep the student on track working toward submitting complete and impactful college applications to meet critical deadlines
- Personality, aptitude and interest assessments to assist with planning and discovery
- Assistance identifying possible majors, future career interests, and goals
- Academic course selection and co-curricular guidance for the school year and summer suited to student's personal interests and goals
- Consideration of standardized testing (SAT/ACT), timeline and test prep referral
- Working collaboratively with student and family to research and identify the best fit colleges
- Developing a personalized college list with consideration given to student interests and goals, academics, culture, community, family priorities, athletic fit (where applicable), financial aid and merit awards
- Assistance completing college applications, essay brainstorming and development, activity and co-curricular writing support
- Creating a ‘resume’ that showcases student experience, skills and strengths
- Campus visit recommendations and resource tools for maximizing visits
- Interview preparation (when applicable)
- Assistance with receiving more personalized teacher and counselor recommendations
- College decision advising, including comparison of financial aid packages, housing options and individual best fit considerations
College Transition Counseling - the Next Step in the Educational Journey
The choice and decision have been made for the next four years. Congratulations! But, there is so much more on the horizon. Some students benefit from support and guidance transitioning to college and throughout the first year, including:
- Setting expectations for what college will be like and how life as a college student will be different
- Scaffolding how to choose and register for classes
- Considering when to choose a major and minor
- How to get involved on campus and in the college community
- Time management and utilizing campus resources and academic support
Senior Essentials
Sometimes seniors and their families realize they need more assistance and guidance in the crunch time. While this package assumes the student has engaged in some thought and progress toward planning for college, IEP takes the lead to eliminate admission guesswork, ensure students meet deadlines and help them pursue their admission goals.
- The core components of the All-Inclusive package but in a compressed time frame
- Identification of strengths to highlight in the application and how to present challenges
- Suggestions for filling in any remaining academic or co-curricular areas
- Beginning later in the process means that we do not have the opportunity to get to know your student as well. To ensure we can provide the support that our students need, this package is only available if space permits.
High School Planning Essentials (8, 9, & 10th grades)
Help your student develop a strong academic and co-curricular foundation, while engaging in a productive, enjoyable and meaningful high school experience!
- Personality, interest and value assessments to learn what is important to your student and offer insight into interests and learning styles
- Exploration and identification of co-curricular activities that align with interests and strengths
- Initial consideration of academic and personal goals
- Guidance on how to “DO what you are” (based on strengths and interests) and LIVE your college essay while in high school, using scaffolded documentation strategies along the way to make preparing for college essays easier
- Guidance and plan for coursework and summer activities
- Time management and self-advocacy skills
- Ideas for unique ways to stimulate curiosity, explore interests and contribute to your community
Hourly Counseling Services
Common hourly services include counseling services related to:
- Scholarship search, matching and application preparation guidance
- College ‘resume’ building and activities section development
- Essay support, including brainstorming, editing and revision notes
- Initial athletic recruitment advising and typical process overview and timeline
- Educational advocacy, 504 accommodations, family-school collaborations
- Final Common App or University of California review and feedback
- Film production supplemental application review
- Personalized college list building
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310.428.1292 |